terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2010


The Public Phones in Santa Fé do Sul are attractions too.

All of them have the shape of the animals from the region: Tucunaré, Garça, Arara, etc.


If you are interested on visiting Santa Fé do Sul, you must know the weather there is Tropical, which means it’s really hot. Normally, the minimal average is about 17 degrees and the high average is 31 degrees.

In summer, the temperatures are consistently above 33 degrees, and there are a lot of rainfalls, the most as thunderstorms.

It’s one of the hottest city of São Paulo, because the highest temperature (under the sun) has already overpassed 47 degrees.

segunda-feira, 24 de maio de 2010


There are many Turism attractions on SFS

- The Gateways:

There are four gateways in the city. This is the most beautiful one.

The Gateways were built as a part of the process of urbanization, historical restoration and endorment of the city.

- Monkeys Forest:
This forest is an environmental reserve, for wild animals' protection. It's a wonderful place to visit.

- Sunrise Square:
It' s dedicated to Japan. The place simulates a Japanese square.

- Clear Water:
The Clear Water Park is a recreation area, near of Ilha Solteira lake and it's open to the community. The park consits of kioskis, event centers and a native forest, with ecological trail.

- Open Air Museum:
There are some typical and tradicional pieces of the region, like "the manjolo" - a tool used for stripping grains; "carro de boi" - a vehical of the 1940s and 1950s, and a mini-locomotive of the 1960s.

- Monument for the Immigrants:

It was built in honor of the first immigrants. It alludes Paraná river.

The Lakes Capital

Hi there,

We are going to talk about a small town we heard about.

And we are going to explain why you should visit Santa Fé do Sul.

First of all, let's talk about the town.
It was founded on 1948.
It's considerate a Turist Resort, there are 29 thousand people and 208
It's 642 quilometers from São Paulo City.

The lakes are the main attraction. The Great Lakes region is formed by waterworks of Ilha Solteira, Jupiá and Água Vermelha, and it consists of the rivers Paraná, Paraíba, Grande, São José and Tietê.
Santa Fé do Sul is situated on this particular place.

The watershed attracts a large number of tourists. If you'll go there you must try to fish a Tucunaré or a Zoiudo. You can get a boat trip,a ferry trip, or just watch a jet-ski championships.